Mission Statement
We at South Pittsburg Elementary will provide a safe environment for creating and nurturing lifelong learners through a partnership between school, family, and community.
Welcome to South Pittsburg Elementary School. South Pittsburg Elementary's educational opportunities are vast and varied. In addition to standard academic courses, there are certified teachers in art, music, and physical education. Each student is provided group guidance instruction by a trained and qualified counselor weekly. Individual counseling is also available if necessary. Library instruction takes place once a week and concentrates on grade-appropriate skills and objectives. SPES also offers chorus to our 5th graders and band to 6th grade students.
All students, regardless of age, are encouraged to participate in other activities that assist our community, from the local food bank to collecting aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House in Chattanooga.
We welcome and appreciate parent and community involvement in our school. At SPES, we are committed to the growth of the whole child and emphasize collaboration between the school, parents, and the community.